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David Herbert Lawrence

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David Herbert Lawrence
Englavaf suterotik

David Herbert Lawrence ba 11/09/1885 koe Eastwood ( Engla ) kobliyir.

Inafa sposuca wetce siskesik va ikruca is bilitafa kofiga kralisa va inaf yolt, va kuluca ke grabomeem kodoplekus va yon berpot isu berpotam isu ezla isu koyaranega isu wenyaxa isu lingeks don konaka decitoya twa is tanoy izvaf kost al tuflovamayad.

Lawrence va rumeugal koe Midlands tiskiyir, i koe tawadayafa is kawodafa belcon gola vanpiyisa sedme int leca ke folvaf kelor wal guazanyafa Engla is rabevaf witaf seltay, i deona plawukesa va bocaf berpot ( Lady Chatterley's Lover ~ Fertye ke Chatterley Oluya ). Ewavon gu vogola, inafa yasa tiyir sollipawesa tamava di pimtayana koe mivizvaf berpot ( Sons and Lovers ~ Yone Nazbeye isu Fertik , 1913 ).

Arthur Lawrence gadikye, i maytaf is saipaf kawodik, va tixolafa Lydia Beardsall tuke altofa ubuca al brostayar, i va savsaf bematavesik vey glastackafa is folixepesa yasa. Aluboy nazbeik vey sint al kobliyid. Sutuca is vieleaf argeeem va amidaceem wal bata febafa gadikya is kurenikye mempesafe is ulidjafe adre al laumasiyid. Mali tozafa jekura, blira kalion vanpiyir elupkafa koboda. Jotaf David Herbert kalnendan gan gadikya nope rantafa galuca va ina skeon lotiyir solve tiyir kinokackaf gu gadikye.

Kaikion arti lanote ugal, nope tutrovgasa keska dimrokasa va gadikyefa is ayikyefa vola, Arthur Lawrence di vanpiyir ordik ke kote ayikyepokirafe gradilikye tise ke levedafa tamava tapedafa is dimblisisa, i banga ke kawoda, isen Lydia Beardsall tela banga ke kota kuranisafa is ikrezuusa ayikya ke inyona rupa. Lawrence va ikrageja to golde mulos ke gadafa tolonga lidam direfa nobara va ayikyevikeem ke Eastwood is dere intafa kurenikafa bagala di suveyer nume va rietava vas bitejafa milbava wal ayikye is ayikya wasteyer.

Radimi reilaf vayarugal, Lawrence koe iaxe va selas ugol tcilon ebuyur voxe nope rizakolafa deonera di gobuluyur, i nope daktesa sugda ke kotcakola mejetisa remi blira. Bak vogonugal bak 1901 va Jessie Chambers rungrupeyer, i va nazbeikya ke vemaf barnik. Ko Haggs Farm jontikviele laniyir ise koe tawaday doon gozayar, flideson va sinyona dofa belira ( Carlyle is Nietzsche is Baudelaire is Verlaine is sposaf francaf berpotik isu rossiaf ikz- ). Bat barn is Chambers yasa koe taneaf berpot ( The White Peacock ~ Batakaf gelang, 1911 ) zo divrozad.

Yone Nazbeye isu Fertik berpot ( Sons and Lovers ) va tinera ke rezatc wal toloy yik nope inafa vazuca is cugafa dikisuca ke gadikya ke gradilye pwader. Jessie Chambers va kubla ke Lawrence bristur ise va sanegara va inyon taneaf berpotam bak 1907 az konaka ezla bak 1909 pomar, numen batcoba noveyer da in jotaf yambik va Ezra Pound tulon kouzer. Abdi bata morafa toza, vanpitison tavesik Lawrence koe Nottingham kotla al vayar.

Mali 1908 kali 1912 koe Croydon vagee London taver voxe nope galeraja arviele di gogriflir. Bak bata rekola, konaka ayikya va yona ezla koswad : i Jessie grulumkarsafe num fure iskedane, is Helen Corke brostas dokobasik dem ilkafa izva dafutusa va remay ke Tirbusik berpot ( The Trespasser ), is Louise Burrows ugalorafa aguntanya ten skedegatana bak 1910 bal miserapa.

Bak 1912 wetce belisik ko Germana djumallapir. Va Ernest Weekley tan savsaf tavesik koe Nottingham kotla bam auzur. Va Frieda von Richthofen inaf germanaf kurenik korenar, i va ayikya loguazafa gu tevda is barocaf gadik. Sin arti abica safta ko Germana belcon mallapid. Frieda va kurenik is nazbeikeem parmon jovler. Noon W-ye berpot ( Mr Noon ) kaikiawalkon sanegatan bak 1984 va ferimafa disukera va bata bagalara atoer.

Nekev nobafa mijera, Frieda va pestakanya ke ikrafe rumbe mea ziliyine gan Jessie pu Lawrence vanbureyer. Ina tiyir bagalakirafa ise va lana araya is pofa ilkuca diyir ise tiyir oluik ; bana kerdela tiyir zolonafa sedme Lawrence tise nazbeik ke kawodik. Larde al tiyir fertik ke Otto Gross godevrik ke Freud, pune va Lawrence gu swavadrunaropafa rietova kotaveyer. Toza ke sintafa skedegara di tiyir redupusa rekola ke Lawrence : ine va lenopapa dem toloyi ki ( The Rainbow ~ Korfi bak 1915 az Women in Love ~ Yona renasikya bak 1920 ) envayar, aze va The Lost Girl berpot ( Drasunikya, 1920 ) bokayar ise va renezlak ( Look! We have come through! ~ Wil !! Maneke su maet !, 1917 ) suteyer.

Remi tolda, fertik koe Europa dun koyad. Koe Italia tolon jonvieled, uga tiskatasa va Twilight in Italy and Other EssaysNom koe Italia, 1916 ) nega. Radimi tuenara va solyerumara ke Frieda, ko London dimlapiyid aze bak pereaksat ke 1917 va sint yerumad. Azon koe Engla golde geja zo elekad. Lawrence pikser kire tir kevgejevaf is kevvedeyevaf is dikis va englaf yerumanik numen dun zo arger. Zo uculed da co tid toidesik aze div Cornwall gola zo aloyayad lize al gelbeyed. Mali 1915, divvawatason va teca torigina vantenura ke Talteka, Lawrence va rietunafa doda yoltkirafa gu Rananim al djureduyur, do konak nik don John Middleton Murry malyopasik is Katherine Mansfield etorkik. Remi blira va bata giwasa klokara di wanuyur, i va klokara wal teca doeva is etrakedafa mava voxen bata ja di justeyer.

Korfi berpot ( The Rainbow ) nope vergumvelt va warze nudakter voxen va beviafa wira va selt kan izva ke baroya tolongafa oxila ke mila yasa moekote atoer. Berpot nope wolyuca bak 1915 zo lanzar. Numen Lawrence gu konaka erbargefa tanda di zo eyoder nume va alubda zo gokeyer abdida va Yona renasikya berpot ( Women in Love ) di rovosanegayar, i va kalvilarafamaf grabom lize ant melanafa afida jeber, i pokolesa afida mu tolonga divvawasa va grustes rust num tcedesa va teca warlafa jeawera nepalesa va swave is pestake. Vayaks va Thomas HardyStudy of Thomas Hardy ) va bat toloy berpot koafir ise va dulap ke suterotik ta yamba is izvopa is mikropa is swavadrunara is alkopa is seltaf zvakeem ke inafe sare vrutar.

Malida sin rotaskir, Lawrence tolonga bak 1919 div Engla otcer aze va Taormina koe Sicilia koirubad. Lawrence va Iba ke AaronAaron's Rod ) tenuker, i va berpot lize watsa ke nuca wal ayikye is ke andik. Va konak berpotam is deasesa koyaranega va Sardegna ( Sardegna is Mediterranea ) suter. To koe Italia va loa ezla ke Zveri is sulem is imwaBirds, Beasts and Flowers, 1923 ) larma buner lize va deasena kobrara va ikrakirafe tuwavafe tame is gubeon pirafa undera va ayik wanur, i va ayik tis seltaf is gaderopaf sulem firugan gan yona decemda ke yudkristeva is klokakola.

Bak 1922, Lawrence gan Mabel Dodge zo ganer, i gan kulafa amerikya blisa koe Taos koe New Mexico soka ke Tanarasokeem is djumanamzokevesa va yambik. Lawrence tolonga van Amerika koo Roneka mallapir. Va konaka safta koe Sri Lanka az baroy aksat koe Australia tiskir, lize Lawrence va intaf logaderopaf berpot ( Kangurol ~ Kangaroo, 1923 ) sutelar, i va berpot belcon dijus va torkeva is doeva.

Blison koe reda koe Taos ( Tanarasokeem, New Mexico ) wali 1922 is 1925, va amerindiik dulapeyer, ise va Mexika worayar voxe va vuga conyuta ke garif taneakaf seltay inton klokayan. Koe Mexikaf rielcekMornings in Mexico, 1927 ), va migafe stute wetce bocafa stabrega skeuson pimtar. Bata amerikafa tiskira gan koyara ko Europa bak 1923 zo nonuyur, edje Lawrence va warzaf nik ganeyer enide sin va zabdura va Rananim doda koe Taos di pakeyed. Ant Dorothy Brett xadaf is tervamas lingesik renasaf gu ine tukramayar. Dim Taos, blira wal baroya ayikya ( Frieda is Mabel is Brett ) nijeyer wavdafa. Ine gu Mabel koredon gu OtcesikyaThe Woman who Rode Away, 1928 ) va int jaxadayar, i gu ayikya va int diavon dreldon wetasa gu indiaf lorik, is gu Brett koredon gu Sersikya lize ketafa europikya zo lasuboer ise di tceder.

Lawrence koe Amerika tigiyir viele gadikye bak 1924 awalkeyer. David bibliafa druntanya va kobodafa remfira mal savsafa vura ( tela ke Saül, i vola ke lane gadikye ) kal tela ke vepokaf David divrozar, i ke vokaf koredik pakon pilkomayan gan suterotik milyoltaf.

Cuesine gan lidawicka is akola, is re grupeson da kotcakoleyer, Lawrence ko Europa teni 1925 dimlapiyir. Radimi jonvielera koe London az Germana az Genova koe Italia, va Firenze koirubayar. Va naboxa ke Etrusk sane worayar nume va gedelafa ibakorafa jiluca ke bane griawiyise sane koe Nakila ke Etrusk xoSketches of Etruscan Places, 1932 ) ilamsiskeyer ise va Krist zolkevackik divmodes nope jiluca va alto koe Ayikye awalkeyeseThan Man Who Died, 1929 ) gestayar.

Fertye ke Chatterley OluyaLady Chatterley's Lover, 1930 : baroy siatos krulded ) « va ibakorafa krenuguca » dere kotgruper. Bat berpot is dere inyona trutca lingeyena koe Firenze va kranavesi skudji do englaf urayasik nekiyid, i do urayasik volsiakraf gu inafa warlura isu lidopa rigavana moe koekafa tarkara va aptatcafa blira is tuwava.

Lawrence vradon koyason koe Europa va toloya bocafa tanda tiskiyir. Ba 02/03/1930 koe Vence ( Franca ) mulufteyer.

Grabom is sanegaks ke David Herbert Lawrence


  • The White Peacock (1911) – Batakaf gelang
  • The Trespasser (1912) – Tirbusik
  • Sons and Lovers (1913) – Yone nazbeye isu fertik
  • The Rainbow (1915) – Korfi
  • Women in Love (1920) – Yona renasikya
  • The Lost Girl (1920) – Drasunikya
  • Aaron's Rod (1922)
  • Kangaroo (1923) – Kangurol
  • The Boy in the Bush (1924)
  • The Plumed Serpent (1926) – Bruxakirafe perake
  • Lady Chatterley's Lover (1928) – Fertye ke Chatterley Oluya
  • The Escaped Cock (1929)
  • The Prussian Officer and Other Stories (1914)
  • England, My England and Other Stories (1922)
  • The Horse Dealer's Daughter (1922)
  • The Fox, The Captain's Doll, The Ladybird (1923)
  • St Mawr and other stories (1925)
  • The Woman who Rode Away and other stories (1928)
  • The Rocking-Horse Winner (1926)
  • Mother and Daughter (1929)
  • The Virgin and the Gipsy and Other Stories (1930)
  • Love Among the Haystacks and other stories (1930)
  • The Lovely Lady and other tales (1932)
  • The Tales of D.H. Lawrence (1934) –
  • Collected Stories (1994) –
  • The Letters of D. H. Lawrence, Volume I, September 1901 – May 1913, ed. James T. Boulton, Cambridge University Press, 1979, ISBN 0-521-22147-1
  • The Letters of D. H. Lawrence, Volume II, June 1913 – October 1916, ed. George J. Zytaruk and James T. Boulton, Cambridge University Press, 1981, ISBN 0-521-23111-6
  • The Letters of D. H. Lawrence, Volume III, October 1916 – June 1921, ed. James T. Boulton and Andrew Robertson, Cambridge University Press, 1984, ISBN 0-521-23112-4
  • The Letters of D. H. Lawrence, Volume IV, June 1921 – March 1924 , ed. Warren Roberts, James T. Boulton and Elizabeth Mansfield, Cambridge University Press, 1987, ISBN 0-521-00695-3
  • The Letters of D. H. Lawrence, Volume V, March 1924 – March 1927, ed. James T. Boulton and Lindeth Vasey, Cambridge University Press, 1989, ISBN 0-521-00696-1
  • The Letters of D. H. Lawrence, Volume VI, March 1927 – November 1928 , ed. James T. Boulton and Margaret Boulton with Gerald M. Lacy, Cambridge University Press, 1991, ISBN 0-521-00698-8
  • The Letters of D. H. Lawrence, Volume VII, November 1928 – February 1930, ed. Keith Sagar and James T. Boulton, Cambridge University Press, 1993, ISBN 0-521-00699-6
  • The Letters of D. H. Lawrence, with index, Volume VIII, ed. James T. Boulton, Cambridge University Press, 2001, ISBN 0-521-23117-5
  • Love Poems and others (1913)
  • Amores (1916)
  • Look! We have come through! (1917) – Wil !! Maneke su maet !,
  • New Poems (1918)
  • Bay: a book of poems (1919)
  • Tortoises (1921) – Imboza
  • Birds, Beasts and Flowers (1923)
  • The Collected Poems of D H Lawrence (1928)
  • Pansies (1929)
  • Nettles (1930)
  • The Triumph of the Machine (1930)
  • Last Poems (1932)
  • Fire and other poems (1940)
  • The White Horse (1964)
  • The Daughter-in-Law (1913)
  • The Widowing of Mrs Holroyd (1914)
  • Touch and Go (1920)
  • David (1926)
  • The Fight for Barbara (1933)
  • A Collier's Friday Night (1934)
  • The Married Man (1940)
  • The Merry-Go-Round (1941)
Vayaks is aktom
  • Study of Thomas Hardy and other essays (1914), edited by Bruce Steele, Cambridge University Press, 1985, ISBN 0-521-25252-0, Literary criticism and metaphysics
  • Movements in European History (1921), edited by Philip Crumpton, Cambridge University Press, 1989, ISBN 0-521-26201-1, Originally published under the name of Lawrence H. Davison
  • Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious and Fantasia of the Unconscious (1921/1922), edited by Bruce Steele, Cambridge University Press, 2004 ISBN 0-521-32791-1
  • Studies in Classic American Literature (1923), edited by Ezra Greenspan, Lindeth Vasey and John Worthen, Cambridge University Press, 2003, ISBN 0-521-55016-5
  • Reflections on the Death of a Porcupine and other essays (1925), edited by Michael Herbert, Cambridge University Press, 1988, ISBN 0-521-26622-X
  • A Propos of Lady Chatterley's Lover (1929) – Lawrence wrote this pamphlet to explain his novel
  • Apocalypse and the writings on Revelation (1931) edited by Mara Kalnins, Cambridge University Press, 1980, ISBN 0-521-22407-1
  • Phoenix: The Posthumous Papers of D. H. Lawrence (1936)
  • Phoenix II: Uncollected, Unpublished and Other Prose Works by D. H. Lawrence (1968)
  • Twilight in Italy and Other Essays (1916)
  • Sea and Sardinia (1921)
  • Mornings in Mexico and Other Essays (1927)
  • Sketches of Etruscan Places and other Italian essays (1932)

Nevewava ke Lawrence

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David Herbert Lawrence

David Herbert Lawrence

 Koblira  11/09/1885,
 Eastwood, Britana
 Awalkera  02/03/1930,
 Vence, Franca
 Vedeyot  Britana
 Ava  Englava
 Suterind  Berpot
Berpot :
  Tuveli icde Suteroteem 
Koblixe ke David Herbert Lawrence koe Eastwood, re tcilaxe, Engla