Vegeduropikafa klokara (trutca ke Thomas Cole)
Vegeduropikafa klokara ( englavon The Architect's Dream ) tir trutcapa, i puntalingeks keve stama skuyun gan Thomas Cole amerikaf lingesik bak 1840. Bata trutca koe Toledo Museum of Art koe Toledo (Tanarasokeem) re ( 2018 ) tigir.
![]() ~ Enide vegeduropa va kotunava artfir inde koe tulanya ke Ellasa wit, pune jontike sare ke muxara is trakura ape adre tiyid ise noveyed da ayaswava mali rilafa briva ke megrupen raporey bro Druid raporxa kali ilamtafi tuveli ke misrafa yamba az memiltayasa listuca ke ellasafa dopewa ekamekamon al koyar... Romafa vegeduropa anton tir ellasindajafa. Tazuk zo beitud voxen swava zo drasuyur nume loloon tuduskaweyer aze ton tremacaja yoltakirafa gu Orikugal [ Gothic ] flayduyur. Vegeduropa va koncoba kaik tenuna kotunuca jugemer. Va trakuropafa ksudaracka va ellasafa yamba kalkimasa va ita is pesta jovler voxe va gesta rozer. Walzilison va norluca ke kristeva, batcoba va tamava kaike minafe tigise rowine fenkuckur... Kotcoba tir olukafa is bitonafa is bulafa. Rasek isu verolek va rujod ticnid, dum ridafe xe. Dure domon ice volrotise, swava koeon keldaskinon me irubar voxe va gestaxo ticfir. Jugemera is gestira is olukafa guzekara ke kristeva kan rapor va intafa muxarinda al trasid. (en) For architecture to arrive at the perfection which we see in the best examples of Greece, Ages of expression and thought must have been necessary [for] the human mind [to] have traveled by slow degrees from the rude column of unknown stone such as formed the druidical structures through the stupendous portals of Egyptian Art to unsurpassed beauty of the Grecian Temple...Roman architecture is but depraved Greek. The forms are borrowed but the spirit was lost & it became more and more rude until it sank to the uncouth incongruities of what are called the dark ages... [Gothic] Architecture aspires to something beyond finite perfection[.] It leaves the philosophic completion of Grecian Art when all is finished to the eye and touch and appeals to the imagination. Partaking of the Genius of Christianity it opens a world beyond the visible in which we dwell...All is lofty, aspiring and mysterious. Its towers and pinnacles climb toward the clouds like airy fabricks. Ever hovering on the verge of the impossible, on it the mind does not dwell with satisfied delight, but takes wing & soars into an imaginary world. The longings, the imaginings, the lofty aspirations of Christianity have found expression in stone. ~ Thomas Cole (1830)
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