Bak 1891 rodapaf muvugal va faytawara kagaveyer. Bak fentugal yanka kal -31° C- titstiyir voxen nolda abicote duyur ; acum faytawaks gu tap me di zo nendayad. Viele Volga bost divdomayar, noldenja askiyir da lava zo tutapayar numen jotafa metca is werdol ta sinkara va bonol tuagaweyed. Ison suka bak imwugal dupuyur numen jontika ziayana tawa zo ilbureyer. Idulugal mali balemeaksat wavepon tozuweyer aze tiyir abrotcif is rodapaf. Tulon Orenburg widava tiyir muviskafa remi lo 100 vielcek. Aala is okol is miduks is tawadayik toz awalkeyed numen teni idulugal mon alub-vuntoy korik tere mea kruldeyed, nope ont rontion aelakolacek ont miledjafa beyolakola.
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